When I think of family I think of my Grandma, my Aunt, my sister, my Mom who all stayed with me in the hospital and helped me in the same way you would help a baby. Doing things for me that I couldn’t do for myself, without even batting an eye – never to be mentioned again. I think of the times when I sat up on the counter at my Mawmaw’s house and helped her make breakfast for us and my Pawpaw. I think about all of the times where my siblings would steal me away when I was grounded and not allowed to go anywhere or all the crazy slab-of-meat fights we have in the middle of Walmart. I think of the fun game nights that were held and all the laughter that shook the house.

There are those times when I haven’t seen my extended family in forever and then we start back up where we left off as if no time has even escaped us. I am very grateful for the family that I have, even for those whom I don’t see very often. This weekend is my family reunion – a big bunch of crazy brilliant people from all over the United States coming together to celebrate our ancestors, us, and our children. It’s a really a fascinating thing getting so many people together, so many different people, and conversating with them, learning more about what they’ve been doing in life, each and every one of us holding the same amount of love for the other. Family is important to me; my family is important to me and one of my biggest blessings.


A little advice from me to you, reach out to your family, let them know that even if there are hard times on the horizon that you love them. 

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